Reviews for 388


Vibram FiveFingers Bikila Review

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Bikila running shoes come in a variety of funky colors.

Bikila running shoes come in a variety of funky colors.

The Vibram FiveFinger Bikila running shoes were developed to emulate the experience of running barefoot. Because of this, it is important to understand the differences between these shoes and the typical, full-bodied running shoes. This article will not only serve as a product review but will also aim to help you determine whether or not this style (barefoot emulation) is right for you, as most people do not have experience with this style.

Minimalist vs. traditional shoes

The Vibram FiveFinger Bikila (VFB) running shoes fall under the “minimalist” category. As the category name implies, the shoes are comprised of very little material. Basically, the idea is to emulate the experience of running as though you are barefoot but with an added protective shell.

The VFB running shoes, however, are noticeably different than other minimalist shoes: they have separate departments for each toe (hence the name). Ironically, this feature is a bit difficult to initially get used to because it feels so unnatural. Once you do get used to it, you’ll most likely enjoy each toe’s newly found freedom.

Minimalist shoes…
• have zero-drop soles, meaning the heel of the shoe has the same thickness as the rest of the sole.

• don’t have any support structure, such as insoles or arch support, which would disqualify them from the minimalist category.

• don’t constrict the toes or force them tightly together.

• are extremely flexible, which means the foot will be allowed to retain natural movement. Many minimalist shoes are so flexible that they can be rolled up without causing damage to the shoe.

• are lightweight. These shoes are designed to be light so that they don’t affect the runner’s gait.

Vibram FiveFinger Bikila running shoes are the only minimalist shoes that have separated toes.f


The Running Experience

Unless you run long distances barefoot, it can be a bit difficult to understand why emulating the experience is of any importance. The reason, it turns out, is because our ancestors were able to run much longer distances than us specifically due to running shoeless.

Having no experience with minimalist shoes before trying the VFB shoes, I assumed that the design was mostly intended to be a marketing scheme that would only yield modest results. I was quite wrong. In fact, I couldn’t run for three days after I tried the shoes out for the first time because my calves were so sore from running on the balls of my feet. Once the soreness subsided, I grew quite fond of the new running posture.

As for the shoes’ effects on my feet, I didn’t notice a significant difference after a run. During a run, however, my feet feel like they are being treated to a massage due to the road’s bumpy texture. The soles are thick enough to protect your foot, yet flexible enough to allow you to feel the ground beneath your feet.

I have had a slight problem with the material protecting the toes on my right foot. It seems like the protective material doesn’t come up high enough, which causes me to stub my little toe once in awhile, although It doesn’t particularly bother me. The best way to avoid this problem is to make sure you are ordering the right size of shoe.

The shoes were design to…
• strengthen the muscles in the feet and lower legs.

• improve motion in ankles, feet and toes.

• stimulate neural functions important to balance and agility.

• eliminate heel lift to align the spine and improve posture.

• allow the foot and body to move naturally.


As mentioned earlier, the first few times you wear these shoes they may feel a bit awkward (have you ever put a glove over your foot?). Fortunately, the awkwardness fades and the shoe begins to conform to your foot.

Vibram did a great job of making this shoe breathe. My feet are never covered in sweat like they were with my old, cheap running shoes (I wear “toe socks” with my shoes when I run, although it isn’t necessary). The downside to this is that the shoes aren’t waterproof, meaning that you can’t expect to run through a puddle and not get your feet wet.


These shoes are made of high-quality materials so that they will last a long time and remain comfortable. I haven’t had any problem with tearing, and the padding on the bottom of the shoe wears very slowly, even if you run on asphalt. Basically, these shoes will take a long time to deteriorate into an unusable condition.


There are a few different styles of the VFB shoes, but the price is usually around $100. Do I think it’s worth it? Definitely. The product does what it says it will do and the quality is amazing. Your friends will be jealous, too.

Written by reviewsfor388

October 20, 2011 at 8:25 pm

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